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Unlawful Exclusions

Is being at school very unpleasant, Lots of pressure on with threats of exclusions.

Exploring the issue

Off-rolling refers to the practice of removing a student from the school's register without a permanent exclusion when it is done primarily for the benefit of the school rather than the student's best interests. It includes coercing parents to withdraw their child from the school register.

Some schools are pressuring parents to move their children to another school or opt for home education, citing off-rolling as the reason. This practice is illegal and should not be happening. Schools are obligated to follow a formal exclusion process, rather than seeking to avoid it.

We are aware of the increase in “off-rolling and cherry-picking” by schools. This activity can have a massive impact on a young person's education prospects and their overall mental health. However, it is incredibly difficult to prove. We have successfully worked with several families to gather evidence to take action.

sad girl in her kitchen

Concerns about School?

If your child has been excluded from school or you're facing pressure to remove them, or you believe they are facing bullying or other concerns then we can offer assistance.

  • Off Rolling
  • cyberbullying
  • Invasion of privacy
  • identity theft
  • offensive images and messages
  • Child Grooming

Have you got off-rolling Concerns?

If you have been through this, or are facing pressure from your school to remove your child or your child has been excluded, we can help you.